Category Archives: Injury Prevention

Minor Hockey Concussion Presentation

Minor Hockey Concussion Presentation

Minor Hockey Concussion Presentation. Topics covered include: What is a concussion? How long does it take to recover following a concussion? Baseline testing Can you prevent a concussion? What to do if you have a concussion? NHL concussion policy Visible signs of a Concussion Click here to view presentation

Foam Rolling and Athletic Performance

Foam Rolling and Athletic Performance

Foam rolling and athletic performance PPT. This presentation covers pre and post exercise recovery, range of motion and athletic performance effects of self myofascial release (SMR). Click here to view presentation

Hamstring Strains

Hamstring Strains: Everything You Need to Know

Hamstring Strains Hamstring strains can be one of the most frustrating athletic injuries to deal with. Recovery time of hamstring strains ranges from 8 to 25 days . Once a hamstring is injured, there is a 33.33% risk of re-injury. The greatest risk of re-injury occurs during the first two weeks after returning to sport … Continue reading Hamstring Strains: Everything You Need to Know

Should athletes continue to play after a concussion?

Why athletes should not continue to play after a concussion

The majority of athletes continue to play after a concussion because they do not tell their trainers how they feel. Kay 2014, found that more than half of concussions sustained during athletic competition are never reported. Furthermore, trainers and coaches do not know the signs and symptoms of a concussion.   One study found that high … Continue reading Why athletes should not continue to play after a concussion

What are the benefits of orthotics?

What are the Benefits of Orthotics? Part 1

What are the Benefits of Orthotics? The purpose  of this two-part series is to explain the benefits of orthotics. Before, we proceed I wanted to state that it is my professional opinion that although orthotics are beneficial to some, not every patient needs them. I believe that for certain individuals, similar benefits can be achieved with rehab … Continue reading What are the Benefits of Orthotics? Part 1


Stretching Before an Athletic Competition

It has long been the mentality of professional and recreational athletes a like that stretching before an athletic competition prevents injury, reduces next day soreness (delayed onset muscle soreness – DOMS) and improves performance. However, it is important to look at the evidence to see if this old adage holds true. So what does the … Continue reading Stretching Before an Athletic Competition